The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Sept. 19 2020; “tion” Redemption

Redemption, redeemed. The song below was played on our wedding day. The lyrics are absolutely beautiful. I can’t imagine not being a believer in these days in time. Salvation, Jesus saved me. Jesus saves, period! The most broken, weary soul He will restore!

These times we live in are perilous. They are daunting, and are trying on the spirit. So Holy Spirit fall fresh on me. For you are how I get through all the things I have seen on tv as of recent that can’t be unseen. Jesus this world needs your unconditional love, that comes from receiving you at the cross.

Reflection today brings me to my salvation that came from your redemption! This all allows my spirit to be set free.

7 thoughts on “The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Sept. 19 2020; “tion” Redemption

    1. Awe such a kind words from someone I deeply respect! I really do, you have such an impactful story. That song is my husband and I’d song. So near, and dear to our heart. The lyrics kind of say it all! Blessings 💜 Lisa

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      1. Those lyrics do say it all. I used to sing it at the mission where David and I volunteered on Wednesday night. We haven’t done it since COVID, but still go there sometimes. Singing around people is discouraged with the virus, but hopefully I will do something for Christmas. Thanks for getting me to think about this. ❤

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