One-Liner Wednesday-come out a Lion

“ME, Going into the Prayer Room Me, Going coming OUT of the Prayer Room”.

As I sit here next to my husband very sick with Covid, I am reminded God has us. I will admit that I think after 2 plus years of not contracting the virus, and living free we felt we were kind of exempt from it. Although we were very much not. This is miserable, it is no joke. The symptoms are horrible, and daily we must stay so close to God. I don’t want to get into a dark space even for a second. I want to go in meek as a cat, and come out strong like a Lion.

13 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday-come out a Lion

    1. This is a rough one, I live in Faith over fear. I don’t plan on changing that, but man I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. This stuff is legit! Thank you for the prayers! 🙏🏻

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      1. I’m sorry to hear that. His grace is sufficient, my dear.
        Do try to steam yourselves by covering either head or full body over hot water with drops of olbas oil or any balm with menthol. That helped me so much to keep my chest and air waves decongested when I had coronavirus last year.
        A concoction of ginger, garlic, lime, onion, turmeric and honey can be helpful as well for the cough if you have it.

        Still praying for you and yours to be made whole. 🙌🏾🌹❤️💛

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