Comic relief, while my breast was fondled by my doctor

I had to see my surgeon yesterday. He confirmed every stitch that was holding my left tissue expander in place were pulled, and no longer holding it in place. So it is now mobile, and that is why I felt so much pain.

My expander had actually flipped, he asked if I wanted him to try by hand to flip it back into place. I wasn’t thrilled at the idea, but if it meant helping with the pain until surgery I was in.

I was in a lot of pain in that breast, as well torn muscle on both sides. So my kind husband grabbed by hand, and I leaned into my doctor. He was very much grappling my breast with twists, and turns. His hope was by manipulating it, it might flip back. A couple times he thought he got it. Nope it just flipped again, and again. He tried!

It was more than an unpleasant feeling. As well very awkward with my husband on one side, and my breast in my doctors hand. My husband is so great at making uncomfortable moments funny. He had some very colorful jokes, and he was on a roll. He had us all laughing. For a few minutes I forgot all about the fondling of my breast. It was something you would see on a comedy television series.

I am so grateful my husband was able to take me yesterday, and for his comic relief. By the end of my appointment I felt very good with the end result. Even though my expander was not able to be flipped my surgeon is so encouraged on the end outcome. Of course jokes were made about that as well. I really needed that laughter, and I realized how serious my days had gotten with all the pain.

I feel lighter today, and know I need to try hard to not get caught up in the depression pain can bring. I need to remember this too shall pass.

There is so much to be said for an attitude of gratitude, and a little bit of a reality check. It was all needed, because this week hasn’t been my best. Nor have I been. So I thank God for always helping me get to where I need to be. All it took was a little fondling of my breast, and some comic relief that I won’t repeat… 🤣

8 thoughts on “Comic relief, while my breast was fondled by my doctor

  1. My sweet friend, I love the giggling I hear…I’m laughing too. Being able to laugh through your pain is such a great testimony for us all. I love laughing and I’m so glad you’re husband was there too. I pray for your pain 🙏🏻❣️. And for much more laughing. Love and hugs xoxo

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    1. Aweeee thank you sweet lady! God has been more than good to me! I have so much to be grateful for, than to complain about! I am in pain, but God will carry me through! Have a great weekend! ❣️🤍❣️🤠

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  2. Lisa, that scene could well and truly have come from a sit com! I’m so glad you got some healing moments from all the laughter. xx

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