One-Liner Wednesday-overcoming suffering

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full of also the overcoming of it.” ~Helen Keller

I chose this on this morning one year ago as I was at the hospital in the very beginning of Covid being prepped for my double mastectomy. My breast cancer journey began on April 14, 2020. I am in awe of God, and His gracious hand. He is the ultimate surgeon. I am more than grateful my husband was there as my caretaker when I came home with 8 drain tubes, and in immense physical as well mental discomfort. 4 months ago in a couple days was my last, and final surgery. I with God have overcome the suffering. I am a survivor. All glory to God!

I had many hard days full of grief, and lots of tears. I have had many days of meltdowns, that without God I could not have endured. I have learned what grief, and acceptance are in this medical crisis that came my way. This was not just something I went through alone. My husband has had his own emotions, and struggles through it all too. We persevered with strength in our loving God. For He is good, and He will not put us through anything we can’t get through. So I overcame. We overcame, and today 1 year later I am breast cancer free. I am getting back to what is my normal slowly, but surely. God truly is the ultimate surgeon, of the body and soul!

9 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday-overcoming suffering

    1. Yes it has been a very long year, but I am just one of millions of women who go through this yearly. It still doesn’t take away my personal experience with it, and how it deeply impacted my life. It is not something I would wish on anyone, but God showed up. I am stronger than I even realize. God is so faithful to carry us in our moments of weakness, fear, and grant us peace. Now I am healing, been on 3 rides this week. Riding for me as much as my meetings are healing for my soul. Blessings Jim!

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