When I wake…

I am not hallucinating

I am not fantasizing

I am not delusional

I am not living in an imaginary world

I am not reading you a fairy tale nor making up tall tales or old wives tales

What am I then? Tomorrow when I wake I will have 7 years of continuous sobriety. It is a hearts dream come true

I am not able to keep this without my God, and my daily reprieve on bended knee. He has given me the tools today to not have to pick up the bottle. I know how to today live life on life’s terms. I work a program of recovery. One I don’t take for granted, because not one us is exempt from ever going back out. It is all based on my willingness, and surrender daily

I am still one day shy of this great accomplishment. So when I wake that is when my not in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined 7 years without the numbing of that bottle will come true. My cup runneth over, I have become a woman in this program

I am grateful beyond all measure, my sobriety I protect as if it is the most magnificent treasure. It is truly a gift from God, “one day at time”

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39


25 thoughts on “When I wake…

    1. Yes indeed we serve a mighty gracious God! He always Had me I just got lost in the insanity. I am so blessed I am free today! He set me free of the bondage of self! I am so grateful for all my life has seen in the last 7 years. Many miracles, and I imagine many more as long as I keep Him close, and it His will be done always!

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    1. Yes I am awake, and it here! We will celebrate it as a sobriety birthday. I receive a coin, and go to 2 special Zoom recovery meetings. My family will get to attend 1 one them. My son who is 22 will get to be on it, as well my mom. We have many friends in recovery, some of my very best. I will receive a beautiful coin, and celebrate later this evening with cake. It is all by the grace of God this day has arrived. We have had many cave during Covid (go back out sadly). When life on life’s terms hits hard, that is when we must have our heart guarded most. God is my redeemer, and I am daily led by the spirit to do the next right thing. I turn my will, and life over to God several times a day. I have learned quickly when I am running off of self, and pushing God out of the way. My day will not be a good one, so I very quickly pray. I get right before Him again. One thing I learned from another great friend with 37 years of recovery. Is God’s address is “NOW.” Whenever I wish to seek him, and pray to Him He is ever present! What a great God we serve! Amazing grace how sweet the sound! I am His, He gave me new life in Him! Again, and again! 7 years I woke with today of “one day at time!”

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      1. Thank you so very much, all glory to God for being my saving grace when my face was far from looking at Him. I had reached the very bottom. There was either physical, and eternal life awaiting or finding my way back to him, in complete surrender! The white flag went up, and I have not left his side since! He is my redeemer! I grew up tasting, and seeing that the Lord is good. Later in life came somethings, and I just did not want to feel anymore. So I ran to the bottle instead of Jesus! Praise God for unconditional love, and salvation through the blood of the lamb! For here I am! 💜💕💜

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    1. God is the Ultimate surgeon of the heart! He knew what I needed for a stubborn broken down person such as I. I had lost all sight of the God who once was my all. All in the day of making many things in life come before Him. Addiction, and codependency issues were the primary source of my bottom. I could not see God through all the guilt and shame. I can see now, and He moves mountains! He open eyes, and cleanses the spirit. It is beautiful what happens upon surrender!


  1. If you do not mind I would love for you to share that testimony on my site under the tab Testimony. I believe it would encourage others to see what God has done for you that He will do for them. But this is totally up to you. No pressure at all.

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    1. I would love to used like this. I will do it tomorrow if I can. Today is a very day with a lot of celebration. I am always up for sharing when God allows. I have a story for a reason. We can use so much hope in today’s times. I would be blessed to do this. I will let you know when I am able to do this. Thank you for asking me. Blessings! 🙏🏻


      1. Thank you Lisa. You enjoy the celebration. And I know others will be blessed when they read it. Please feel free to let your followers know so they can read it on my page.

        Right now this world is looking for hope and what better way then to tell them what Jesus did in your life for you.

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    1. Thank you so very much for stopping in, and looking around. I am still trying to figure out the whole structure of it all within WordPress. I appreciate the kind words. Have an awesome weekend! 💕


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